Dragoon MF

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Dragoon MF (Metal Fantom)
Number: RBA3 Prize
System: HMS
Type: Attack

Dragoon MF was originally released in HMS Random Booster ACT 3, and aside from the standard version in the booster, a secret rare fire red version was released that replaced CWD Chain Attacker with CWD Eternal Survivor.

Bit Protector (BP): Dragoon Emblem

The Bit Protector of this Beyblade is Dragoon Emblem. It is the second mold version of Bit Protectors.

Attack Ring (AR): Upper Dragon

  • Weight: 19 grams

Upper Dragon is used for Upper Attack in right-spin and Smash in left-spin. In this way, it is quite similar to Bloody Devil MS's Devil Crusher and Phantom Fox MS's Upper Fox, but because of the shape of its ABS Caul the Smash Attack is more powerful because of the exposed metal spikes on each side of the AR's Metal Frame. In addition, there is a few smaller spikes on the ABS Caul which help contribute to its Smash Attack. In right spin, the acute angled slopes of Upper Dragon's Metal Frame are clearly meant to be used for Upper Attack, but in comparison to Devil Crusher, it's Upper Attack is weak because the bottom of the slopes are blocked by the ABS Caul.

All of this being said, there are a number of better choices out there for both Smash and Upper Attack purposes.

Shared Metal Frame

Upper Dragon shares the same Metal Frame as both Devil Crusher from Bloody Devil MS, and Upper Fox from Phantom Fox MS.

Use in Smash Attack Customization

Upper Dragon is not the best choice for a Smash Attack based Beyblade, but because of the metal spikes that will make contact in left spin, it is a viable option when other AR's such as Jiraiya Blade from Jiraiya MS are not available.

  • AR: Upper Dragon (Dragoon MF)
  • WD: Circle Wide
  • RC: Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Mode) (Dragoon MS UV)

Weight Disk (WD): CWD Chain Attacker

  • Weight: 17 grams

CWD Chain Attacker has a wide attack range, even bigger than most HMS ARs. It is slightly smaller than Bloody Devil MS's CWD Devil Saucer however. It's wide attack range can be attributed to the nine large spikes surrounding its perimeter. Because it is free-spinning, CWD Chain Attacker's intended purpose is to shave away endurance from the opposing Beyblade, but in practicality however, it does more damage to the Beyblade it is being used on than the opposition. The fact that it is moving means that the various attack points will always be moving when hitting the opposing Beyblade and will never make a severe enough blow. This CWD has is not viable for any competitive situation.

Weight Disk (WD): CWD Eternal Survivor (Included in RBA3 Secret Fire Red Version)

  • Weight: 17 grams

Running Core (RC): Metal Weight Grip Core

  • Weight: 3 grams

Metal Weight Grip Core was unquestionably designed with Attack type Beyblades in mind due to its flat, rubber bottom. Because of these attributes, it is often compared to Dragoon MS's Grip Flat Core and Dragoon MS UV's Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Mode). Both Dragoon MS and Dragoon MS UV's RC's are known for their wildly powerful Attack abilities; sometimes so wild that inexperienced Bladers cannot control them effectively. Metal Weight Grip Core is more controllable than both of those RC's, for three reasons: tip width, and weight, and the hardness of the rubber. With a smaller tip width, Metal Weight Grip Core has a smaller movement pattern, and its weight which is about two-three times as heavy as Grip Flat Core and Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Mode). Most importantly, the rubber used for it is harder than the previously produced rubber tipped RC's.

Metal Weight Grip Core should be considered for its minutely increased Survival due to its weight (it's taller height is a trade-off in this situation, which could prove to be problematic when facing low Upper Attacker's using Grip Flat Core, so that should also be kept in mind) which could be useful in certain situations.

Use in Upper Attack Customization

Using this RC, you can build a more controllable variant of one of the most popular HMS Attack customizations.

Other Versions

Dragoon MFHMS Random Booster ACT 3 Secret Version (Fire Red)
Dragoon MFHMS Random Booster ACT 5 Version (Blue)
Dragoon MFHMS Random Booster ACT 5 Version (Black)



While by no means a bad Beyblade, Dragoon MF is far from being the best Attack type HMS Beyblade ever made. If you have no other options, Upper Dragon can be used as a decent substitute for Smash and Upper Attack Beyblades and Metal Weight Grip Core is an interesting alternative to the standard RC's, Grip Flat Core and Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Mode).