Beywiki, the Beyblade Encyclopedia - Presented by the World Beyblade Organization:General disclaimer

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Beywiki is a cooperative work between members of the Beyblade community of the World Beyblade Organization. As a sub-domain of the latter website, the general copyright for the WBO is also applied to Beywiki. However, this copyright only serves as a protection against plagiarism in general, thus demanding respect of the arduous work from the veterans of the World Beyblade Organization.

Each article is of course the intellectual property of its redactor. In a case where only one individual has written and published an article and that it has remained untouched, the copying in any form of the content of this article is strictly prohibited and permission must be obtained from that person alone, or if that individual is absent or grants the WBO Committee the right to take over a complicated matter of plagiarism, then permission must explicitly be given by the Committee.

If, however, and as is the case with several articles, a page has been edited many times, each user is responsible of their contributions and owns copyrights to them, however they do not gain the intellectual property of the rest of the article. If an edit is brought to their modification where separating intellectual properties becomes complex, it is assumed that the general copyright of the World Beyblade Organization will be used.

On any occasion, the World Beyblade Organization reserves the right to act when any part of its copyright is infringed, unless the sole editor of an article, as mentioned in the second paragraph of this disclaimer, has explicitly agreed to let a third party use their work.