Random Booster Light Vol.1 Mad Cancer CH120FS
From Beywiki, the Beyblade Encyclopedia - Presented by the World Beyblade Organization
==Contents of MFB Random Booster Light Vol.1 Mad Cancer CH120FS==
Note: There is no prize Beyblade in this booster. Compared to past random boosters, one whole beyblade is given in each box. There is 1/8 chance to get each beyblade. All Tracks and Bottoms found in this booster are the clear versions.
- Mad Cancer CH120FS (Secret Beyblade)
- Heat Wolf WD145SF
- Wind Pegasis DF145FS
- Clay Leone DF145WB
- Heat Pegasis 100WB
- Wind Leone D125HF
- Mad Leone 145B
- Clay Wolf 145FS